Friday, September 10, 2010

How to treat a girl well.

These are some general things a guy should do to show a girl that you care (:

So guys, please learn them up.

1. Be Nice to her. Remember that every human being wants to be appreciated and treated well. The more genuine and specific you are, the better.  

2. Respect her future. If she is planning for her works or studies in the future, you should respect her decision and wish her all the best for the future and good luck for her future. It's her decision, so respect it.

3. Let her talk about herself. If you say you want to get to know her better, and you then take over all the conversations, she will think you are self-centered and not very interested in her after all.

4. Find out about her hobbies by asking questions about the kind of music she likes, observing her environment, and asking about clothes or pictures she might have. But don't be to into all her clothes and makeup, girls may find it creepy that you know and want to know where you have bought the stuff and so on.

5. Compliment her. Say that her hair looks nice or that a shirt looks great on her. Then look in her eyes, and smile. Mean it. Keep it real. Tell her she is pretty. No matter how average she thinks her looks may be, a girl will usually be flattered and pleased to know you think she is attractive. Say "You've got the most beautiful eyes/hair/skin/hands/etc. I've ever seen," and again, mean it 

6. Maintain good hygiene. Take a shower, put on deodorant, brush your teeth, and shave (if needed) right before you see her—every time. Nothing makes a girl more uncomfortable than body odor and/or bad breath. 

7. Listen! You need to be a good listener. That works with most girls; they need someone who will patiently listen and understand them! There is a huge difference between "hearing" and "listening", so make sure you are actively listening to her.

 Don't try to fix it. We all have a tendency to want to fix things. When a girl talks to you about a problem, she more than likely does not want you to help her fix it. She just wants you to acknowledge that she has a problem and empathize. 

8. Let her know about things she might be interested in. This will show her you remembered and are thinking about her, and the things she likes. 

9. Don't forget her special occasions - especially her birthday. 

10. Be truthful. There is no need to lie. Being honest during the dating process means you respect her wants and needs, but you also recognize your own. If you find yourself always apologizing or trying to soothe her ruffled feathers, you need to honestly decide whether or not the two of you are a match. Treating a girl well also means recognizing this truth, and telling her in a way that hurts as little as possible — as soon as you know. 

11. Make her feel comfortable. Relax and enjoy the time you spend together. Do fun things together. Bike ride, walks, movies, etc... don't just sit around or make-out all the time. Enjoy each other's company. 

 12. Cooperate to understand her point of view if you disagree. Repeat or reflect her feelings so that she knows you really heard her. If it makes sense to you, apologize for your actions that upset her. If you feel you were in the right, however, tell her you didn't realize your actions would hurt her and you're sorry to cause her pain, and that you'll have to consider more carefully next time. As mentioned earlier, keep it real. Do not promise never to do it again if you don't intend to keep that promise. If the thing that upsets her is a thing that is fundamental to your personality, you might not be able to change it to a degree that will make her comfortable, and that may mean you will eventually have to part ways. 

13. Remember that "no means no". If you're doing something that makes her uncomfortable, even something simple like hugging, stop doing it. Ask her why it made her uncomfortable, and try not to make her uncomfortable again - either don't do that thing, or wait until she tells you she's ready. 

14. Be real with her, and with yourself. This cannot be stressed enough. If you find yourself saying or doing something and thinking another, step back. Take a look at yourself, and ask yourself what you really want. Share that self with her, because she can and will see that you aren't everything that you say and do.


1 comment:

Jason Lee said...

Good post good post Eunice!!!

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