Tuesday, November 9, 2010

As if you have not caused me so much stress and trouble that  I have to run away from the world.
all that because of you.


I read through my past posts and realised that I used to be so much more interesting than how I am now. What happened?!
Urghhh....must be the final. 
Or maybe I just grew "older". I refuse to use the word mature because some people's toes might laugh. lol
if you get what I mean, that is.

Ah well,  I seriously can't wait for the final to be over 
and then I can have a flippin life again and then I'll post so many interesting stuffs because my life is so interesting that way, huh.

Await me my fellow fans avid readers! I will be back soon.
Keep the faith!

Sorry I just feel the need to THINK that I'm famous right now :)
Lack of love probably? pardon me.

Pray for my final okay! 

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