Saturday, November 27, 2010

It feels just like it's heaven's touch

Dear readers,

            I'm truly sincerely sorry for the long hiatus. This semester has just officially ended few days back and I know I should have updated my blog but I just could not find the perfect time to blog,so pardon me alrite? :) I promise there will be more upcoming interesting posts :)

    So yeah, apparently I am having my summer break for like three months! Wootsssss! Summer is just amazing, don't cha think? So excited I can die...Or maybe not? die from boredom probably. teehee.  whatever. No offence to those who are having spm or stpm though...Wishing you guys all the very best  yar :))) We shall meet up soon!

    Umm,talking about the previous final examination, I really should say that my performance is below average. Out of five questions I think I could only do one, or maybe two. I don't know exactly what is happening to me but I have already did my very best, or at least I thought so. It might not be my very best performance, my dearest daddykins <3 , but it's definitely a failure with no regrets. Let the rest takes its way :) After all, life goes on ryte?
     On a separate note, I am going back to KL todayyyyyyy.. like seriously seriously! I shall update more when I'm back there alright? I have so many things to share!

     This coming December, I swear, it's so going to be a good good month cuz' yours truly would be spending her time in her home sweet home. Hopefully, all is going as planned. Yeah! How about you?

Till then.

Signing off from Miri.


Eunice is going back to KL 
with a big wide smile, joy and happiness :)

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