Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jipaban – My 2010 Santarina

     There are a few things involved in a girl’s life nowadays. As for me, I can never resist good food ( Italian cuisine particularly *yum yumm*), adorable ribbon bows, heart-shaped gifts, and shopping of course!

SHOPPING. Ahhh yes, the mere mention of the word itself is enough to put a big, goofy grin on my face and apologise silently to my bank account in anticipation. What’s more with the newly in-store customizable online shopping mall Jipaban!

Okay, so it’s not Santarina.

But it’s something nearly as good, don’t cha think? Wait, it’s even better I would say.

Jipaban Jipaban Jipaban.....I somehow have a strong feeling that the name came from this song since it is first launched in Singapore about 6 months ago. LOL. funny much.

So yeah, basically Jipaban is a brand new shopping mall that was launched in Malaysia few weeks ago. As I have just mentioned, its Singaporean counterpart was launched 6 months ago and due to its success, the concept has been brought over for Malaysians as well! Yayyy!

I think this idea is just BRILLIANT! That it

Since many girls out there are so obsessed with online shopping, it just seems natural that now we finally get an ONLINE SHOPPING MALL where WE CAN CUSTOMIZE what stores we want in it! this makes Like omg so awesome!

Instead of having to surf for so many online blogshops out there all the time, I just have to visit Jipaban for items of all all sorts- from clothes to accessories, from accessories to gadgets, from gadgets to books, from books to health and beauty! You name it.

With Jipaban, you can build your own virtual shopping mall containing up to 4 levels, and arrange any shops you want on each of the levels! Take that, real-life shopping malls. Pfft. Maybe you could have online shops selling pretty dresses on Floor 1, accessories on Floor 2, and online shops for all other cute stuff on Floor 3 – it’s totally up to you! Sounds interesting,yes?


Also, an awesome feature in Jipaban would be its Egg It or Smash It feature! Which means you can now ask for someone’s opinion on whether you should buy that particular something or not via online. With this feature, when you find a little black dress that you’re not sure about, you can simply add it to your Egg-on list and let and your friends vote to either “Egg-on” or “Smash” it! Besides that, Jipaban also allows me to link to my Facebook/Twitter accounts so that I can have an even wider audience, or critiques on the items if you will! How mind-blowing! (:

Notice the Egg-on List and Wishlist above? *wink*

Alternatively, if you just want to share with your friends on which dress you’ve fallen in love with lately, you can also add an item to your wish list. Woots! It could be a hint for your potential Christmas present yes? :P

Anyway, It’s few more weeks to Christmas now so it’s the best ever time for you to get onto Jipaban and buy me your loved ones Christmas presents! :D

And now because of Christmas, I would like to get something for my dearest sister, Angeline from Jipaban..

Uhmmmm...After surfing around in Jipaban for hours, I think I am gonna get my sister a 30 cm adorable bear, Shelliemay! Wheee....

it's so irresistible, ain't it?

I’d get it for Angeline simply because she has always love bears, brown color ones in particular (: and this Shelliemay is more than perfect as a gift for her I believe. Moreover, she is one of those girls who collects teddy bears to put around her bed. Oopssie.


Besides, I have promised to get her a Christmas present this year since I’ve got my allowance and I think this would be a perfect gift since it is one of the most popular characters that is only available in Disney Sea, Tokyo. Wowww!


All in all, she really deserves it! I know she is having her final soon so she totally deserves this adorable bear, Shelliemay for her to hug and play around with whenever she is stressed.

Nuff said.

Check out the video below for more information about Jipaban:

And if you’ve always wanted to start an online store, this video below gives you an idea on what Jipaban does.

Ohh, in case you're wondering, Jipaban is having a contest to give out the perfect gift to your loved one @ here. Just write a blog post on why you would love to give this one item from Jipaban to someone special and express yourself through your blog and the chosen gift will be sent off to the someone special if you win!
Good luck! ;D

Check out Jipaban yourself here.

For more updates, you can also follow Jipaban on Twitter @Jipaban and join Jipaban’s Facebook page! Happy shopping folks! :D

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