Tuesday, December 7, 2010

'cause they stick up for me.


I know I know, I haven't been updating right, fret not, it's the time now, finally I'm having my long awaited three months holidays, ( omg I have been mentioning it over and over again I think I'm gonna make you guys to date me out like right now LOL)  but :( time passes so quickly it's already Tuesday now :(   Just so you know, today is basically the 10th day since I'm home. I have been doing nothing much besides sleeping and I feel sorry to myself. Seriously, you wouldn't wanna know how much time I have been sleeping all the while, and I'm so  not gonna tell you in case you say I'm a pig or whatsoever. Ohwells, it's holidays after all. Do bear with me aite? 
 So yeah, it's the last month of this year people. Another month till 2011...~Time flies, yes? I can't believe myself either.  Anyway, Happy December everyone!  I hope it's gonna be a blast for me to spend it with my dearest family ;) Not to forget,  may you guys be blessed in this festive month as well..I gotta feeling that this month is gonna be a good, good month :) it's gonna snow wheeeee....sorry if I'm lame :x I just couldn't get enough of christmas. Have you guys bought your christmas presents to your loved ones? You better be fast as sales is everywhere now! Have a great time in purchasing ;) While for me, I'm secretly hoping for a christmas present from Santa :P 

On a totally unrelated note, food here are just absofreakinglutely nice and delicious!! Especially mumzy's home cook food, om nom nomm nom...what more could I ask for right,  sheer bliss ;) 

Village Park Restaurant @ Uptown, Damansara Utama 
They claimed to be the best nasi lemak in Uptown, PJ,
which is true, I would say.

Yayyy, I got to try their nasi lemak, like FINALLY
It is really one of the best. 

nasi lemak with ayam rendang ;)

Village Park Restaurant
5, Jalan SS21/37,
Damansara Utama (Uptown),
47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tel: 03-77107860
Open from 7 am to 7.30pm daily, 7 am to 6 pm on Sunday / Public Holiday

went over to Full House @ Sunway with Hui Wen the other day 
didn't manage to take much pictures though,
as we were both busy catching up with each other. 
teehee :)

I’m not perfect but I keep trying, because that’s what I said I would do from the start.” Hedley

till then, Happy Holdays to all :) Enjoy the mid-week break! Hah <3

P/S: Should I buy that cute little diary I saw online? I was totally heads over heels for it.. Like    seriously...arghhhh, dilemma :(


Anonymous said...

Yes, you should buy it. =)

Eric said...

Yes,you should,haha,long time din drop by~^^

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