Tuesday, December 21, 2010

voices in my head.

I had a fiery passion in my soul.

 With you is where I'd rather be..

But we're stuck where we are.
and it's so hard,you're so far away..

It's so hard, it's so hard..
This long distance is killing me inside.
and I'm starting to lose count of how many times I've been wanting to tell you all this.
But do you know it really takes a lot of guts to doing so?

I wish that you were here with me..
But the reality is, you're not with me right now, 
and it's torturing me.

both mentally and physically.

It may seem alright and everything, but the truth is, 
I am not sure whether those feelings are fading.

Can you hear me crying?

When we didn't speak,
I'd sit and write and cry and listen to music ..
Trying to understand why I felt the way I did.

And what it was I was feeling

Then it just hit me 
All the little things you did 
I can never forget your smile.

And the overwhelming feeling ..
Of always wanting to talk to you .
Or be in your arms.

Or how you looked at me.

But now those feelings are fading.

You're so far,this long distance is killing me.


What say you?

There's only so many songs
That I can sing to pass the tïme..


Hilda Milda™ said...

I feel you ):

Jess-iE said...

long distance relationship works if the love between the couple is strong enough =)

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